In an exclusive partnership with VistaJet, reaching your chosen Rocco Forte Hotel can now be a pleasure in itself.

VistaJet shares our values of genuine, individualised service, exquisite gastronomy and comfortable furnishings, allowing you to work – or relax – in stylish surrounds, even at altitude. With a fleet of over 70 business jets providing access to 187 countries around the world, and a dedicated Cabin Hostess on board every flight, together, we can make your trip simple and seamless.

As a Rocco Forte Hotels guest, enjoy preferential rates on your ultimate private aircraft and let complimentary canapes and superlative service elevate your experience.

For that extra touch, let us arrange an Adventures in the Sky* or Wine Tasting programme on board your chosen flight – so you may start your journey as you wish to continue.

To enquire, simply email or call 1 (800) 683-8567 and reference Rocco Forte Hotels.

* Subject to availability. At least one week notice required to make a booking.